Les 64 Davina English

This tutorial is created and made at april 24th 2022 with the programm Corel PaintShop Pro X2. It is also possible to make the tut with the other versions of PSP. It will be handy to have some knowledge of PSP.  If there is something you don't understand, don't hesitate to contact me. 
You can reach me at this mail address: pinkdesignpsp@gmail.com

In the zip:
1 tube
1 brush
6 selections
1 font
1 preset
2 colorpalettes
I made and tubed the materials myself

It is not allowed to copy the tutorial and materials

 Mehdi / Wavy Lab 1.1
Simple / Pizza Slice Mirror
Penta.com / Jeans
It@lien Editers Effect / Effetto Fantasma
Toadies / Rasterline
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact / Grandient Glow
MuRa's Meister / Copies

Open the materials in PSP, duplicate and close the originals
Copy the selections to the folder of selections of PSP
Doubleclick on the preset
Add the brush with: File / Export / Custom Brush, give it a name and click OK
Put the foreground color on color 1 and the background color on color 2

Color 1: #cfb0d9
Color 2: #7d5498
Color 3: #6a91ba
Color 4: #00929f


File / New Image of  900 x 550 pixels
Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Wavy Lab 1.1

Effects / Plugins / Simple / Pizza Slice Mirror
Edit / Repeat Pizza Slice Mirror

Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from disc --- Sel-1-Les64_Pink
Selections / Promote selection to layer
Select None

Effects / Image effects / Seamless Tiling --- Side by side

Effects / Distortion Effects / Polar Coordinates

Adjust / Softness / Soften more
Effects / Plugins / Penta.com / Jeans --- Default settings

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Flip
Layers / Merge / Merge down
Pick tool (K of your keyboard) Position X:0, Position Y: 0
Press M of your keyboard to undo the tool

Click on the bottom layer of your layers palette
Layers / Duplicate
Effects / Plugins / It@lien Editers Effect / Effetto Fantasma

Layers / Properties --- Blendmode on Multiply and Opacity on 85
Layers / Merge / Merge visible

Effects / Reflection effects / Rotating Mirror

Layers / New raster layer
Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from disc --- Sel-2-Les64_Pink
Effects / Plugins/ Mehdi / Wavy Lab 1.1 --- The settings are correct

Selections / Modify / Contract --- 50 pixels
Edit / Clear
Select None

Effects / Image effects / Seamless Tiling --- The settings are correct
Effects / Plugins / Toadies / Rasterline

Effects / Distortion effects / Lens distortion --- Pincushion

Image / Resize --- 90% Resize all layers unchecked
Effects / Reflection effects / Rotating Mirror --- The settings are correct
Layers / Properties --- Blendmode on Screen

Click on the bottom layer of your layers palette
Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from disc --- Sel-3-Les64_Pink
Adjust / Blur / Gaussian blur --- Radius on 35
Select None

Layers / New raster layer
Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from disc --- Sel-4-Les64_Pink
Flood fill the selection with color 2
Select None 

Effects / Plugins / Penta.com / Jeans --- Default settings
Effects / Image effects / Seamless Tiling --- The settings are correct

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror
Image / Flip

Layers / Merge / Merge down
Layers / Properties --- Opacity on 75

Layers / New raster layer
Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from disc --- Sel-5-Les64_Pink
Flood fill the selections with color 1
Select None
Layers / Arrange / Bring to top

Effects / Plugins / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact / Grandient Glow --- Les 64 Pink
Black and White Stripes 

Effects / Plugins / MuRa's Meister / Copies

Create with the Free Hand Selection Tool, Point to point a selection around 4 circles in the middle, see example
Edit / Clear
Select None

Pick Tool (K of your Keyboard) Position X on 18 and Position Y on 396
Press M of your keyboard to undo the tool

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror
Image / Flip

Layers / Merge / Merge down
Effects / 3D-effects / Drop shadow --- 5/5/25/5/Black

Layers / New raster layer
Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from disc --- Sel-6-Les64_Pink
Effects / Plugins/ Mehdi / Wavy Lab 1.1 --- The settings are correct
Layers / Properties --- Opacity on 85

Layers / New raster layer
Copy the tube and past it into the selection of your work
Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Layers / New Raster layer
Selections / Modify / Select Selection borders
Effects / Plugins/ Mehdi / Wavy Lab 1.1 --- The settings are correct

Select None
Effects / 3D-effects / Drop shadow ---  0/0/65/25/Black

Layers / New raster layer
Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from disc --- the settings are correct (Sel-6)

Flood fill the selection with color 1
Select None

Image / Resize --- 25%, Resize all layers unchecked
Effects / Texture effects / Mosaic Antique

Pick Tool (K of your Keyboard) Position X on 87 and Position Y on 186
Press M to undo the tool

Effects / 3D-Effects / Drop shadow--- 1/1/100/1/Black
Layers / Properties --- Opacity on 75
Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror

Layers / New Raster lauer
Paint Brush --- Brush les 64_Pink
Stamp the brush with  color 1 right above and left down, see example

Effects / 3D-effects / Drop shadow --- 0/0/30/25/Black

Text tool with the font Watermelon Script Demo
Lock the foreground color and put the background color on color 1
Type Davina or another text
Layers / Convert to raster layer
Effects / 3D-effects / Drop shadow --- 5/5/45/5/Black

Image / Add borders --- 5 pixels color 1
Selections / Select all
Image / Add borders --- 25 pixels, color doesn't matter

Selections / Invert
Effects / Plugins/ Mehdi / Wavy Lab 1.1 --- The settings are correct

Selections / Invert
Effects / 3D-effects / Drop shadow --- 0/0/40/30/Black
Select None

Add your signature and Merge all layers
Resize your creation to your own wish

The tutorial is finished, save your creation

I would love to see what you have made of this tutorial, it would be so nice if you share it with me.
Send your creation to: pinkdesignpsp@gmail.com

Of this tutorial

Another example